11,384 research outputs found

    Stabilization of quantum metastable states by dissipation

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    Normally, quantum fluctuations enhance the escape from metastable states in the presence of dissipation. Here we show that dissipation can enhance the stability of a quantum metastable system, consisting of a particle moving in a strongly asymmetric double well potential, interacting with a thermal bath. We find that the escape time from the metastable state has a nonmonotonic behavior versus the system-bath coupling and the temperature, producing a stabilizing effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lifetime of the superconductive state in short and long Josephson junctions

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    We study the transient statistical properties of short and long Josephson junctions under the influence of thermal and correlated fluctuations. In particular, we investigate the lifetime of the superconductive metastable state finding the presence of noise induced phenomena. For short Josephson junctions we investigate the lifetime as a function both of the frequency of the current driving signal and the noise intensity and we find how these noise-induced effects are modified by the presence of a correlated noise source. For long Josephson junctions we integrate numerically the sine-Gordon equation calculating the lifetime as a function of the length of the junction both for inhomogeneous and homogeneous bias current distributions. We obtain a nonmonotonic behavior of the lifetime as a function of the frequency of the current driving signal and the correlation time of the noise. Moreover we find two maxima in the nonmonotonic behaviour of the mean escape time as a function of the correlated noise intensity.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Moment Equations for a Spatially Extended System of Two Competing Species

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    The dynamics of a spatially extended system of two competing species in the presence of two noise sources is studied. A correlated dichotomous noise acts on the interaction parameter and a multiplicative white noise affects directly the dynamics of the two species. To describe the spatial distribution of the species we use a model based on Lotka-Volterra (LV) equations. By writing them in a mean field form, the corresponding moment equations for the species concentrations are obtained in Gaussian approximation. In this formalism the system dynamics is analyzed for different values of the multiplicative noise intensity. Finally by comparing these results with those obtained by direct simulations of the time discrete version of LV equations, that is coupled map lattice (CML) model, we conclude that the anticorrelated oscillations of the species densities are strictly related to non-overlapping spatial patterns.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Moment equations in a Lotka-Volterra extended system with time correlated noise

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    A spatially extended Lotka-Volterra system of two competing species in the presence of two correlated noise sources is analyzed: (i) an external multiplicative time correlated noise, which mimics the interaction between the system and the environment; (ii) a dichotomous stochastic process, whose jump rate is a periodic function, which represents the interaction parameter between the species. The moment equations for the species densities are derived in Gaussian approximation, using a mean field approach. Within this formalism we study the effect of the external time correlated noise on the ecosystem dynamics. We find that the time behavior of the 1st1^{st} order moments are independent on the multiplicative noise source. However the behavior of the 2nd2^{nd} order moments is strongly affected both by the intensity and the correlation time of the multiplicative noise. Finally we compare our results with those obtained studying the system dynamics by a coupled map lattice model.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Acta Phys. Pol.

    Enhanced Resolution of Lossy Interferometry by Coherent Amplification of Single Photons

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    In the quantum sensing context most of the efforts to design novel quantum techniques of sensing have been constrained to idealized, noise-free scenarios, in which effects of environmental disturbances could be neglected. In this work, we propose to exploit optical parametric amplification to boost interferometry sensitivity in the presence of losses in a minimally invasive scenario. By performing the amplification process on the microscopic probe after the interaction with the sample, we can beat the losses detrimental effect on the phase measurement which affects the single-photon state after its interaction with the sample, and thus improve the achievable sensitivity.Comment: 4 + 3 pages, 3 + 5 figure

    Quantum to classical transition via fuzzy measurements on high gain spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    We consider the high gain spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a non collinear geometry as a paradigmatic scenario to investigate the quantum-to-classical transition by increasing the pump power, that is, the average number of generated photons. The possibility of observing quantum correlations in such macroscopic quantum system through dichotomic measurement will be analyzed by addressing two different measurement schemes, based on different dichotomization processes. More specifically, we will investigate the persistence of non-locality in an increasing size n/2-spin singlet state by studying the change in the correlations form as nn increases, both in the ideal case and in presence of losses. We observe a fast decrease in the amount of Bell's inequality violation for increasing system size. This theoretical analysis is supported by the experimental observation of macro-macro correlations with an average number of photons of about 10^3. Our results enlighten the practical extreme difficulty of observing non-locality by performing such a dichotomic fuzzy measurement.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Update Measurement of the b Baryon Lifetime

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    The lifetime of the b baryons has been measured by the ALEPH detector using two independent data samples. From a maximum likelihood fit to the impact parameter distribution of leptons in Λ\Lambda\ell^- combinations, the b baryon lifetime is measured. The lifetime of the Λb0\Lambda_{b}^{0} baryon is measured from a maximum likelihood fit to the proper time distribution of Λc+\Lambda_{c}^+\ell^- candidates

    Suppression of timing errors in short overdamped Josephson junctions

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    The influence of fluctuations and periodical driving on temporal characteristics of short overdamped Josephson junction is analyzed. We obtain the standard deviation of the switching time in the presence of a dichotomous driving force for arbitrary noise intensity and in the frequency range of practical interest. For sinusoidal driving the resonant activation effect has been observed. The mean switching time and its standard deviation have a minimum as a function of driving frequency. As a consequence the optimization of the system for fast operation will simultaneously lead to minimization of timing errors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, in press in Physical Review Letter

    Van der Waals and resonance interactions between accelerated atoms in vacuum and the Unruh effect

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    We discuss different physical effects related to the uniform acceleration of atoms in vacuum, in the framework of quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate the van der Waals/Casimir-Polder dispersion and resonance interactions between two uniformly accelerated atoms in vacuum. We show that the atomic acceleration significantly affects the van der Waals force, yielding a different scaling of the interaction with the interatomic distance and an explicit time dependence of the interaction energy. We argue how these results could allow for an indirect detection of the Unruh effect through dispersion interactions between atoms. We then consider the resonance interaction between two accelerated atoms, prepared in a correlated Bell-type state, and interacting with the electromagnetic field in the vacuum state, separating vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction contributions, both in the free-space and in the presence of a perfectly reflecting plate. We show that nonthermal effects of acceleration manifest in the resonance interaction, yielding a change of the distance dependence of the resonance interaction energy. This suggests that the equivalence between temperature and acceleration does not apply to all radiative properties of accelerated atoms. To further explore this aspect, we evaluate the resonance interaction between two atoms in non inertial motion in the coaccelerated (Rindler) frame and show that in this case the assumption of an Unruh temperature for the field is not required for a complete equivalence of locally inertial and coaccelerated points of views.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop DICE 2016 Spacetime - Matter - Quantum Mechanic

    Photonic polarization gears for ultra-sensitive angular measurements

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    Quantum metrology bears a great promise in enhancing measurement precision, but is unlikely to become practical in the near future. Its concepts can nevertheless inspire classical or hybrid methods of immediate value. Here, we demonstrate NOON-like photonic states of m quanta of angular momentum up to m=100, in a setup that acts as a "photonic gear", converting, for each photon, a mechanical rotation of an angle {\theta} into an amplified rotation of the optical polarization by m{\theta}, corresponding to a "super-resolving" Malus' law. We show that this effect leads to single-photon angular measurements with the same precision of polarization-only quantum strategies with m photons, but robust to photon losses. Moreover, we combine the gear effect with the quantum enhancement due to entanglement, thus exploiting the advantages of both approaches. The high "gear ratio" m boosts the current state-of-the-art of optical non-contact angular measurements by almost two orders of magnitude.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, + supplementary information (10 pages, 3 figures